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Unarguably the king of all fruit is mango,not only because of its nutritious advantages but also the diverse taste ,flavourand accessibility.


one of the most delicate and toughest of the tasks in the post-harvesting of management is all about handling of the fruit after harvest in order to prolong storage life,freshness attractive appearance and ensure quality products to the market and of course to the consume.If due care in not taken, even a slightest mistake could cause heavy loss to the crop,nearly 20 to 25% of fruits get wasted due to faulty post-harvest practices while harvesting packaging,storage,grading etc.The “Deccan mango” farm opt scientific methods for the post-harvest management which are quite diversified.It comprises of collection,curing pre-treatment,grading ,packaging ,pre-cooling,low temperature storage,pallet loading and transporting.The post-harvest management plays an important role in enhancing the shelf life and quality of the fruit and adds nutritious values .